I chose Symbaloo.com to creat my PLN. On my PLN I added some websites that we use in EDM310. Using a PLN will take some time to get use to, but I plan on adding more sites. They will benefit my learning experience in EDM. I will definitely utilize these sites in my classroom when I become a teacher.
Project 10 Comment
Symbaloo is a great way to organize information. You are able to have different pages on a variety of topics. For example, I have a personal page and additional pages for each of my classes. In the course of research, sites can be added to the PLN.
Although blogs are written as a personal reflection, over use of the word “I” can cause the piece to not come across as being professional. In a 300 level class, a good paragraph or two would be a minimum. I got the impression you were is a great hurry and did the post in less than a minute. Sorry.
I also read Blog Post #9 to see if this was normal for you and discovered that it was not! You are really a very good writer and I enjoyed this post. I could only assume you just had one of those days and you were in a hurry.