Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Post 6

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture.

Randy Pausch
In the video Randy Pausch's Last Lecture  ,he was very enthusiastic; even though he had liver cancer and was dying. He continued lectures helping student's and teachers learn more about achieving their goals. He was very motivational and gave words of encouragement. Randy Pausch made several points about life that will help me when I become a teacher. The first thing that caught my attention was: "experience is what you get when you don't get what you want." Everybody has something they would love to do, but if it doesn't go as planned you will always have the experience for the rest of your life. We all know experience is the best teacher.

Second, he compared how his teacher and the dean said the same thing but the dean said it in a respectable manner. My mom always says "its not what you say, it's how you say it because its all in the presentation." When teaching you should not want to be a "Picky Patty" to the point you hurt a students feelings or pride. Also, if someone is not doing well tell them and encourage them, to let them know you are not giving up on them. Find the best in everyone no matter how long you have to wait for them to show it.

Third, I like the statement " when you give a child a challenge it makes them want it more." Students need to know that "brick walls are there for a reason, they let us prove how badly we want things in life". As a teacher, I will challenge my students to do their best and strive for more. When something becomes harder than usual keep pushing until you get there. The sky is the limit.

It's very touching to know that he had only months to live, but I commend him for doing lectures for his children. Pausch instilled things to people around the world: such as don't complain work harder, encourage others, when people give you feedback cherish it, and my favorite THE BEST OF THE GOLD IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL


  1. The reason we include this video is to inspire you to bust through those brick walls, to raise the bars, to execute effective head fakes and much more. I hope you will do these things when you are a teacher.

    Keep on learning!

  2. Carmen,
    I thought it was great that you said, “find the best in everyone no matter how long you have to wait for them to show it.” There is a quote from one of my long time favorite movies Pollyanna, “If you look for the bad expecting to find it, you surely will.” I know everyone has some goodness in them; for some, it’s just a little harder to find, but have faith, and it soon will appear. I had almost forgotten that until I heard Dr. Pausch say, “...if you don’t like somebody, it’s because you didn’t give them enough time.” I also agree experience is the best teacher. If you go through something that is life changing it is difficult to forget, providing a lesson to help us grow as a person.

    My suggestions are;
    “When teaching you should not want to be a ‘Picky Patty’.” I would make it “you shouldn’t be a “Picky Patty”.

    There are some statements that lack detail. For example:
    You wrote, “Everybody has something they would love to do, but if it doesn’t go as planned you will always have the same experience for the rest of you life. How would you relate that to Dr. Pausch’s video or a real life situation? That is where you could provide more detail.

    Also, you wrote, “I will challenge my students to do their best and strive for more.” You need to explain what you mean when you said, “strive for more”. The reader is left asking, more of what?

    Finally, you wrote, “Also, if someone is not doing well tell them and encourage them, to let them know you are not giving up on them.” I like your meaning behind this statement but I , would rewrite it to make sure you get your point across clearly. And, I would make it two sentences instead of one.

    My corrections are:
    “The first thing that caught my attention was:....” You should not use a colon after “was”; instead, you should have used a comma.

    When you said “My mom always says its not what you say it’s how you say it because its all in the presentation.” Each “its”, should be “it’s” because that is a contraction for the words “it is”.

    “Pausch instilled things to people around the world: such as....” This statement is awkward for two reasons. First, “things” is too vague a word to give full value to Dr. Pausch’s thoughts. Also, your sentence would have read more clearly if you had stated, “Pausch’s words instilled life-long values in people around the world by saying:” and then proceeded with your list of quotes.

    You need a semicolon between “don’t complain” and “work harder”.

    Also, you identified multiple quotes by Dr. Pausch; however, he did not state these as a list as you cited them. Therefore, each sentiment should be individually quoted and separated by a comma.

    Finally please proof read and use periods at the end of your sentences.
