Sunday, September 9, 2012

Blog Assigntment 2

1.)Did You Know 3.0
I was completly shocked after watching Did You Know. It's very sad to see how far the United States is behind China & India. From the video I learned that India has more K-12 honor students than the United States, and there are 18 million people in China that speak english and 300 million are learners, 25% of the population in India with the highest IQ's outnumbers the entire population of the United States.

The sad part of the information is that, two years ago 93% of all 8-18 year olds had computers in their homes and i think today the precentage is higher. The website also stated that the "top jobs 10 years from now do not exist and will use technologies that are not invented. This is interesting to see what what technologies will i be required to use when i start teaching.

2.) Mr. Winkle Wakes.

Mr. Winkle Wakesis a cartoon by Mathew Neddleman, which is about an old man that wakes up after he has slept a hundred years into time. He walks into an office building where he sees many things have changed from the time he was working. There were computers, printers, and computers with webcams.Disturbed Mr. Winkle goes to the hospital but little did he know things changed there also. He see's patients connected to machines that will help keep them alive, nurses and doctors viewing patients bones thorugh x-rays.

Mr. Winkle still disturb goes to school where everything is still the same. There was one computer but it looked as if it was barely used. I think that children in all schools should use some types of technology to keep up with the generations to come, so no one is like Mr. Winkle.

3.)Sir Ken Robinson: The Imporantce of Creativity.
I enjoyed watching Sir Ken Robinson The Importance of Creativity. He discussed how important it is to have some creativity in the schools. I think Schools are so focused on doing the lessons and making sure the students meet the requirments which the teachers should, but they forget that sometimes children can learn things in a different ligh.

If we dont allow students to be creative they'll never want to experience new things. It's always good to have an Art class, Drama class, and Dance class because kids can express differenet things and can learn a little more in a certain subject if its being taught in a fun way. Which will improve grades and students achievements.

4.) A Day Made of Glass 2

While watching A Day Made of Glass I was very amazed by the technologies used, in the classroom students were able to see what the teacher was writing on the board right on their desk. Students could watch movies and enjoy field trips about distinct animals and other animals. If Mr. Winkle walked in this classroom he would have a heart attack!

Technology has come very far today, classrooms have gone from blackboards, to whiteboards, and now smartboards. I am very excited to see what comes next in this world of technology. A Day Made of Glass made me want to have the pick and choose closet.

1 comment:

  1. "It's very sad to see how far the United States is behind China & India." Don't be sad. It is entirely a matter of population size. You could say that the 25% of the population in India with the biggest ears outnumbers ALL of the people in the United States with two ears. Look up the populations of India, China and the United States!

    "...speak english and 300 million ..." English should be capitalized.

    "The sad part of the information is that, two years ago 93% of all 8-18 year olds had computers in their homes and i think today the precentage is higher." Why is that sad? Are you against kids having computers?

    "...will i be required to use when i start teaching." One of the things you will be required to do is to capitalize the pronoun I.

    "...a hundred years into time." The phrase into time is unnecessary. Omit

    "He see's patients..." The word sees is not possessive in this sentence nor is it a contraction.

    "Mr. Winkle still disturb goes..." disturbed not disturb. And you need commas before and after still disturbed.

    " looked as if it was barely used." In a conditional clause (if,,,) you use were not was. This is, unfortunately, a very common mistake these days.

    "...making sure the students meet the requirments which the teachers should,... Teachers should? i do not understand.

    "If we dont allow students to be creative..." In this case don't is a contraction and the apostrophe is needed.

    You either need to proofread a lot better than you did or you need to visit the Writing Lab for help.

    Interesting. Links and picture OK.
